
September 11, 2024


In a world that’s becoming increasingly divided, not just politically or socially, but spiritually, there is an urgent call to return to the essence of the Gospel. Our brand tag, Hear. Believe. Trust., embodies the foundation of faith in a world that seems to drift further away from biblical values and moralities. The challenges of sharing the gospel today, even within evangelical circles, are more pronounced than ever. As the truth of God's Word becomes muddled in cultural shifts and the pressures of modern life, we find ourselves at a crossroads: do we stand firm or dilute the truth to fit the narrative of the day?

The Challenge of Hearing the Truth

In a time when voices clamor for attention from every corner—social media, political platforms, entertainment, and even within the church—hearing the truth of the Gospel is increasingly difficult. We are bombarded by messages that often contradict or distort biblical teachings. Even within professing Christian groups, theological differences and the desire to be culturally relevant have caused some to water down or misrepresent the truth of the Gospel.

"The Christian struggle is often with guilt and condemnation, which should not exist for someone complete in Christ." "Christianity today often emphasizes personal experiences over sound doctrine. God doesn’t work in your life through signs and wonders as many claim. His work is found in the understanding and application of the mystery of Christ"

Justin Johnson

In the past, sharing the Gospel meant communicating clear truths: salvation by grace through faith in the works of Christ alone. Today, however, those essential truths are often overshadowed by the desire to appear tolerant or progressive. This creates confusion, leading many away from hearing the unaltered message of how Christ died for our sins, was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. We must ensure that the Gospel remains clear, unsullied by the noise of modern ideologies.

The Struggle to Believe in an Age of Doubt

Once the Gospel is heard, believing is the next challenge. In a postmodern society, truth has become subjective, and many question the absolute nature of the Bible’s teachings. Even within evangelical circles, there is an alarming trend of compromise. Cultural pressures to conform to secular norms often lead to doubt, not only in the authority of Scripture but in the very nature of the Gospel itself.

The world offers alternatives that seem more palatable, more aligned with modern sensibilities. But belief in the Gospel requires a firm stance against the shifting tides of moral relativism. Belief calls us to accept the full counsel of God’s Word, including the parts that challenge and convict us. It’s not easy, but it is the only path to salvation that the Gospel promises.

Learning to Trust in a Broken World

Perhaps the greatest challenge we face today is trust. Trust in God’s promises, trust in His plan, and trust in the truth of the Gospel when everything around us suggests otherwise. As society moves further from biblical morality, the pressure to conform grows stronger. It can be easy to lose trust in the process and question whether the Gospel still has power in today’s world.

But trust in the Gospel means trusting God’s Word over the opinions of the world. It means holding on to His promises in the face of persecution, opposition, and even discouragement from fellow believers who may have strayed from core truths. The world is broken, and it seems to pull us in every direction. Yet, we know that true healing, true reconciliation, and true hope are found in trusting the Gospel message.

Why Hear. Believe. Trust. Matters More Than Ever

In the face of these challenges, Hear. Believe. Trust. becomes a clarion call. It is a reminder that the Gospel remains unchanged, even when the world around us shifts. We need to ensure people can hear the Gospel, unfiltered and unapologetic, in all its truth and beauty. We need to strengthen our own belief in the Gospel, rejecting the temptation to conform to societal trends that compromise its integrity. And we need to renew our trust in the power of God’s Word to transform lives, no matter how dark the world becomes.

In a time where even evangelical groups may falter in their commitment to biblical values, our mission is clear: We must recommit to preaching the unvarnished Gospel of 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, believing its promises, and trusting in its power to save.

Now more than ever, the world needs the clarity of the Gospel. As we continue to face increasing challenges to our faith, let’s remind ourselves and others of the simplicity and profundity of this message. Hear. Believe. Trust.

Together, let’s be a voice for the Gospel in a world that desperately needs it.